The property created with the ingenuity of mind, i.e. Intellectual Property (IP), is a fast-growing field as it plays a vital role in the economic development of a nation. IP knowledge is an integral component of the business sector, as it could be the difference between the company's success and failure. In the academic sector, importance of IP is gaining grounds as the acquisition of IP (copyrights, patents, trademarks, industrial designs, geographical indications, traditional knowledge, layout designs, biodiversity, etc.) boosts not only the image of the organization/individual but also brings enormous revenues.
Developing nations, including India, are not IP savvy. There have been instances where IP ignorant persons had to face the music for using, though unknowingly, IP protected products. Thus, there is a dire need to spread IP awareness amongst the teachers, scientists, researchers and students of universities and colleges to avoid unnecessary litigations. Keeping this concern in mind, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India has introduced a scheme, 'Scheme for Pedagogy & Research in IPRs for Holistic Education & Academia' (SPRIHA) through which it has established Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Chairs in select universities of India. One such Chair is in Panjab University, Chandigarh, established in 2019.
The staff of IPR-Chair comprises of IPR-Chair Professor (1), Research Assistant (1) and Secretarial Assistant (1). The DPIIT provides the budget for these positions and various IPR- Chair activities such as organizing workshops/conferences/summer school etc.
Honourable Vice-Chancellor of PU has nominated Professor Kashmir Singh, Department of Biotechnology, PU, Chandigarh, as IPR Chair-Professor. Recently, Dr. Aditi Chauhan is working as Research Assistant and Mrs. Sneh Thakur is working as Secretarial Assistant.
IPR-Chair has been active in organizing various webinars and workshops related to IPR. Professor Rupinder Tewari, former IPR Chair Professor along with another scientist (Ms. Mamta Bhardwaj), has authored a book entitled 'Mapping of Patents and Publications of Higher Education Institutes and National R&D Laboratories of India'. This book has been highly appreciated by the policy makers. Same authors are writing another book, 'Intellectual Property: a Primer for Academia', which will soon hit the market. Prof. Tewari has also compiled data on the IP courses being taught in various departments and centres of Panjab University Campus. In future, IPR-Chair intends to organize lectures, webinars, conferences and summer schools for students, researchers, teachers, scientists and public at large.
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